TV Art Series 'Imagine' poster (featuring presenter Jeanne Ryckman)


Television Arts Series IMAGINE (58 x 26 min – circa mid 90′s), Producer/ Director: Philippe Charluet – Executive Producer: Veronique Bernard – a weekly show featuring informative and entertaining stories on design, creativity & the Arts (theatre, dance, architecture, visual arts & the unusual). With presenters Pippa Bailey, Paul McGillick and Annette Shun Wah.

Two 26 min specials were also produced, Imagine Japan, looking at the Arts, drama and comedy in contemporary Japan.

Featured Video: On February 3 1967, Ronald Ryan became the last man to be hanged in Australia. Remembering Ronald Ryan is a story about a fabulous play celebrating the man behind the execution by Melbourne playwright, Barry Dickins (he has released a book, ‘Last Words: the Hanging of Ronald  Ryan’ (hear it on Audible).
Teacher resource

Video tabs above:

Hitomi-za, Japanese Puppet Theatre

Bacchae – Burning by Water
(in between few arts stories, Artbreaks were created to visually interpret a performance. This is an IRAA theatre representation of the Greek classics, The Bacchae, dramatising the archetypal struggle between the rational, orderly Pentheus and the liberatory, anarchic dangerous Dionysius)

Jiutamai, traditional Japanese dance with an Australian perspective

Vali Myers, artist extraordinaire

Bird Artist

The Car as .. Art

Is Synchronised Swimming Art or Sport?

The Perfumer

Bangarra’s Ochre

Meryl Tankard’s Australian Dance Theatre – Possessed

Roger Pulvers, Australian writer based in Japan

Bangarra’s Ninni (TVC base + 2 x Artbreaks)

Meryl Tankard’s Australian Dance Theatre – AURORA

See also our special documentary made under the banner of Imagine Arts Series:
Bill Henson: Dreams of Darkness

  • TV Art Series 'Imagine' poster (featuring presenter Jeanne Ryckman)
  • Australian Jiutamai dancer (©photo Philippe Charluet)
  • Production still 'Remember Ronald Ryan' - L-R Ross Thompson; Cliff Elen; Robynne Bourne; Melanie Beddie (photo Jeff Busby)